Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Pic-of-the-Week for March 25, 2014

Hola amigos!

Another week has flown by, and it is definitely getting more "spring-like" all the time.  We have enjoyed eating most of our meals on our front veranda, in spite of the construction noises going on down in Vista del Mar.  They usually start the concrete mixer when we sit down to a meal!  We went upstairs to enjoy the view from our table on the roof deck a few days ago, and realized that our mesquite tree is about 5' too tall and is blocking the view from there!  Ben needs to get out a ladder and saw and clippers and do some serious pruning to restore our view!  When our gardener comes on 
Wednesday, Ben will work with her to get this job done!

This view is to the east a bit, and it is how we'd like the view from the table to look!  A bit less "bushy".   

While sitting on the veranda, we always enjoy watching our various birds, especially the Cardinal.  Whenever we come out, he will let us know that his feeder is empty!   Last night, we saw a close relative of the Cardinal, a Pyrrhuloxia.  I didn't manage to get a photo of him, but you can see what he looks like here:  Pyyrrhuloxia 
This photo in the link is from the book "Birds We See", produced by people here in our area of Baja.  Great book! 

I finished my latest quilt project, and really like how it turned out.  It sure was a lot of itsy bitsy pieces, but I did finish up several fabrics that I've been using pieces of for years!  Now I need to deliver it to my friends who do the quilting (and put in the batting and attach the backing).  They actually have a vacation home down here just a few miles from us, so that is convenient!  They'll be leaving in early April.  Phew!  I made the deadline!  I'll finish it up when I get to Oregon this June by putting on the binding. This is for our newest niece (Greg & Cherlenne's baby) due in late April.  

Other exciting news (for us!) is that our  "Shaving Brush Tree", or Pseudobombax ellipticum is blooming again!  Hooray!!  It is so showy, and we're counting the blooms.  The bad part is that they only last one day, so when they do fall, we pick them up off the ground and put them in a little vase in the house, where they last a few more days.  We grew this tree from seed, and have waited quite a few years for it to bloom (while the trees we gave to friends bloomed like crazy!)   The blooms are hand-sized! 

Ben, when he's not helping someone one else with some project or another, has started to work on his boat to get it ready to put in the water in a few weeks, and a few other woodworking projects for our "summer home" (our trailer).  He has not yet run out of things to do, or become bored down here!  We just hope he has some time to go fishing this spring before it's time to head north!

Check out our March 2014 Picasa album for more photos; I'll probably have some captions on them very soon.  

Hasta la proxima semana,
Tus amigos de Baja,
Harriet, Ben, Sam & Zoey


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