Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pic-of-the-Week for May 13, 2014

Hola Amigos,

Well...we had another eventful week; company, special events, and my computer "repair" that went south.  :-(  

Ben's brother John arrived last Monday, and he's been here often enough he knows the trail to the beach!  He's been swimming and snorkeling just about every day here, or just taking walks on the beach.  We did take him to La Paz last Thursday when we had to take Ryan to the airport there.  We had breakfast in a restaurant in the 7 Crowns hotel, which was up on the 4th story, and right on the Malecon, so we had a wonderful view.  I got a picture from there of the newest sculpture on the Malecon; a big old pearl in a shell.  I noticed when looking at the photo this morning that I also got some of the sand sculptures in the background.  I didn't get my camera out in time when we drove by, but there are several to see in this photo!  Sorry about the light pole and the stuff in the fore ground... that's what you get!

 The view of the harbor was gorgeous, as usual.  It was a bit windy that day.  We had dressed for a hot day, and I wish I had taken a sweater!  (Like we advised John not to do!)  Oh well... live and learn. 

And this picture was from the 5th floor where they have a bar and lounge!  Pretty nice! 

We took my computer in to La Paz that day to a reliable computer repair place to have a new DVD drive installed.  We picked it up and took it home, and things were wrong with it as soon as I booted it up.  It was very slow booting up, it wouldn't connect to the internet, and it kept freezing up.  After a System Restore the next day, it finally gave me this message. Ben tried to remove the new DVD drive, but couldn't get to it in my lap top, so put everything back together.  We took it into the computer shop here in town, and he is attempting a system fix.  If that doesn't work, he'll remove the drive, and hopefully, I'll be able to use it as before!  The DVD drive hasn't been working for several months...I guess I should have waited to get to my computer guru George in Oregon!  (This has got to be one of the most exciting photos I've ever posted!!)

If you're wondering how I'm accomplishing this post this week, I'm using the church computer that we keep at our house.  Of course, I don't have my Outlook address lists (never think to put them in native gmail until it's too late and the files aren't available!).  I'll do the best I can for those of you who usually receive this by mail.  In fact, if my computer is fixed, you might get this twice!  I'll at least get it posted in Blogger, and anyone in Facebook will get a link to it.
Ben made some points last week; he found a cool cactus in an out-of-the-way nursery on the way to La Paz. He found it in February, and the man said to wait until it had roots...come back in April.  Well, he waited until my birthday and picked it up a few days after.  It is so neat!  We've put it in a pot in our entryway. 

Ben is off today on another La Paz trip.  Early this morning he hooked up the car trailer with the Model A Woody on it and is going into the upholstery shop to get some modifications done on the seats.  (The tucks in the top if the seats are going different directions...do you think anyone would notice?)  And, Ford called and said they have the parts to repair the back seat that refuses to fold down.  That's probably a 4 hour repair job.   While he's doing that, I'm going to drive out to Punta Pescadero on that lovely road and pick up our friends John and Phyllis, who are flying in today in their Cessna 185 Taildragger.  They were going to come tomorrow, but we read in our local newsletter that there will be a 1000K motorcycle and car race going by there on that day!!!  We wouldn't want to be going around a blind corner on that road with a motorcycle or race car speeding along!  Yikes!  

Tonight, Ben and our friend Janet, who have the same birthday in July, decided to celebrate their birthdays together "Baja style".  Tony and Janet are taking friends fishing today, and they will bring back fish (hope...hope...hope!) and take them to our favorite restaurant Barrilitos to cook.  I might even make a birthday cake!  It will be a big group, so they'd better get a BUNCH of fish, or a couple big ones!  

For our nature picture this week, Ben spotted this baby Cardinal pecking on our bedroom window.  It was seeing it's reflection, and giving it a good fight.  I think the fight came out even, and no one was hurt!

Time is getting short; only 11 days until we're scheduled to leave.  I hope we can get everything done that needs to be done, especially with Ben planning to take about 5 days to fly around Baja again with John H.!  I'm staying home to dog sit and deliver brother John to the shuttle bus and pick up Ryan from La Paz on Saturday and play the piano for the final time this spring on Sunday.  And if my computer is toast...make up a new list of things to do before we leave town!  Sigh....

Hasta la proxima semana,
Tus amigos de Baja,
Harriet, Ben, Sam & Zoey 

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