Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Pic-of-the-Week for January 27, 2015

Hola, Amigos,

Today's letter is going to be short.  We have places to go and things to do!  

We won't be taking the '28 Woody, which we enjoyed driving around last week on a nice sunny and warm day.  We are going to Cabo San Lucas to celebrate 47 years of wedded bliss!  Today's the day... we were married on a cold and snowy winter's day in 1968.  We appreciate very much the sunshine and warm temps here for our anniversary.

Wow.  That was a long time ago!  How the time flies!!!

Weather-wise, it has been a strange week.  We had some nice warm days, and then the rain clouds appeared and we've had cloudy and rainy days for quite a few days in a row.  Today is supposed to be sunny and clear and warm, then another weather front is moving in with more rain and clouds!  Well, Baja can certainly use rain!  It is still green here from the summer rains, but by this time of year it is usually starting to dry out.  It's nice to see things still green.  And we still have the gas on in our heater, so it's nice to take advantage of it!

Here are a few more pictures from this week to share a bit of our color of Baja.

A Cardinal enjoying sunflower seeds in our garden.

A bee gathering pollen from some of our wild Sunflowers.

Zoey's sister Lala.  She's a dapple. 

A Hawk who flew into our yard to check out the fat dove population.  Of course, they were all gone by the time this guy showed up!!  

This street vendor was selling some more delicious strawberries!  He knows this is a good house...I usually buy some (and give him a drink).  He happened to catch Ben this time, so he bought enough for a pie (6 crates).  I did tell Ben he'd have to clean the berries if he brought more home like he did several weeks ago from La Paz!!  Small and hard and many bruised....Ugh!  He promises to be more careful in the future.  (The berries he buys from that vendor are usually quite good...maybe it is too early in the season so far).

I've put some more photos in our January 2015 album, and that's it for this month!  Zoom, zoom....here goes 2015! 

Hasta la proxima semana,
Tus amigos de Baja
Harriet & Ben, Ryan, Sam & Zoey

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