Hello, Friends!
Another two weeks has gone by in a flurry of activities; so many activities keeping Ben busy that he recruited me to write this edition of Pic-of-the-Week.
Ben entered "just one more car show" in Madras, Oregon the end of August. It was a combined Air & Car Show at the Madras Airport, with antique airplanes as well as antique cars. There is a very nice museum there as well, so there was plenty to see and do at the two day show. And again, Ben's 1928 Woody won for "Best Original Pre-1941 Vehicle".
(Ben right in the middle with the cool bag he won). The plane is a B-17.
You can see in these photos that the weather was bright and sunny on Saturday. There was a rain storm Friday night which really cleared out the smoke, but it was also so windy they had to cancel the Air Show on Saturday. Besides that, their airport fire crew was out fighting a new fire near Culver that day.
We were planning on going to northern Idaho and Montana after the car show, but our Montana friends suggested that if we liked to breath, not to come. It was extremely smokey there from all the forest fires, with no relief in sight. So, we decided to head west instead. We spent several days in Eugene with our friend John whose wife had passed away a few weeks ago. In typical John fashion, he had a few close friends over (about 30) for a remembrance celebration for Phyllis. We helped out with the clean-up, set-up, and clean-up! He always invites us to stay in his beautiful house, and we always remind him that we have two little dogs who he doesn't allow in his house, so we camp in our trailer in his driveway. I always enjoy playing his grand piano, but my efforts pale in comparison to John's friend Bill, who flies his plane and lands in John's runway next to the house, then entertains us with his piano music!
We also ran a few errands while there, including one to Springfield to get some vinyl for our boat in Baja. As we parked the truck, we couldn't help but notice this great new mural across the street. This is Ken Kesey, one of Oregon's famous authors. Evidently it was just unveiled a week ago or so. Notice Ben on the right, for a little perspective on the size of this thing!
We are now at the Oregon Coast at Ben's brother John's home. Ben volunteered to help John build a storage shed in his back yard. Their brother Ken drew up the plans, I've been the official photographer and "go-fer", and Ben and John have worked very hard for 3 days! Today is Day 4, and they are in the process of building the door and installing it. They have done a great job, and Ben has been sleeping very well! Hardest he's worked in a long time!
Of course, John has the task of painting, shingling, and hauling off the old playhouse to do yet, but he is very pleased with the results of their efforts.

And the dogs? They are enjoying the September sunshine, both inside on the carpet and outside on the dry grass. They are not too picky!
Tomorrow we plan to head south to Brookings to visit our friend Pat for a few days. After that we will head north east to the Pendleton Roundup (which has become one of our favorite things to do every summer). We'll also visit friends in Walla Walla and catch up with a few things we need to do there. Our tires should all be in good shape now, since Ben bought 4 new tires for our pickup, too. This has been the TIRE SUMMER! Car Trailer: 4. Pickup: 4. Model A: 5. Camp Trailer: 1. Good grief. We hope everything is in good enough shape to get us the 2000 miles back home in October!
I have started a new September Picasa album. And we forgot to mention the August album in our last letter. Lots of old cars and airplanes in the September album. And construction pics! Enjoy!
Until later,
Your friends in Oregon,
Harriet, Ben, Sam & Zoey
Another two weeks has gone by in a flurry of activities; so many activities keeping Ben busy that he recruited me to write this edition of Pic-of-the-Week.
Ben entered "just one more car show" in Madras, Oregon the end of August. It was a combined Air & Car Show at the Madras Airport, with antique airplanes as well as antique cars. There is a very nice museum there as well, so there was plenty to see and do at the two day show. And again, Ben's 1928 Woody won for "Best Original Pre-1941 Vehicle".
(Ben right in the middle with the cool bag he won). The plane is a B-17.
You can see in these photos that the weather was bright and sunny on Saturday. There was a rain storm Friday night which really cleared out the smoke, but it was also so windy they had to cancel the Air Show on Saturday. Besides that, their airport fire crew was out fighting a new fire near Culver that day.
We were planning on going to northern Idaho and Montana after the car show, but our Montana friends suggested that if we liked to breath, not to come. It was extremely smokey there from all the forest fires, with no relief in sight. So, we decided to head west instead. We spent several days in Eugene with our friend John whose wife had passed away a few weeks ago. In typical John fashion, he had a few close friends over (about 30) for a remembrance celebration for Phyllis. We helped out with the clean-up, set-up, and clean-up! He always invites us to stay in his beautiful house, and we always remind him that we have two little dogs who he doesn't allow in his house, so we camp in our trailer in his driveway. I always enjoy playing his grand piano, but my efforts pale in comparison to John's friend Bill, who flies his plane and lands in John's runway next to the house, then entertains us with his piano music!
We also ran a few errands while there, including one to Springfield to get some vinyl for our boat in Baja. As we parked the truck, we couldn't help but notice this great new mural across the street. This is Ken Kesey, one of Oregon's famous authors. Evidently it was just unveiled a week ago or so. Notice Ben on the right, for a little perspective on the size of this thing!
We are now at the Oregon Coast at Ben's brother John's home. Ben volunteered to help John build a storage shed in his back yard. Their brother Ken drew up the plans, I've been the official photographer and "go-fer", and Ben and John have worked very hard for 3 days! Today is Day 4, and they are in the process of building the door and installing it. They have done a great job, and Ben has been sleeping very well! Hardest he's worked in a long time!
Of course, John has the task of painting, shingling, and hauling off the old playhouse to do yet, but he is very pleased with the results of their efforts.

And the dogs? They are enjoying the September sunshine, both inside on the carpet and outside on the dry grass. They are not too picky!

Tomorrow we plan to head south to Brookings to visit our friend Pat for a few days. After that we will head north east to the Pendleton Roundup (which has become one of our favorite things to do every summer). We'll also visit friends in Walla Walla and catch up with a few things we need to do there. Our tires should all be in good shape now, since Ben bought 4 new tires for our pickup, too. This has been the TIRE SUMMER! Car Trailer: 4. Pickup: 4. Model A: 5. Camp Trailer: 1. Good grief. We hope everything is in good enough shape to get us the 2000 miles back home in October!
I have started a new September Picasa album. And we forgot to mention the August album in our last letter. Lots of old cars and airplanes in the September album. And construction pics! Enjoy!
Until later,
Your friends in Oregon,
Harriet, Ben, Sam & Zoey
Lots of traveling around, be safe, and visit if in the area