Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Pic-of-the-Week for June 5, 2018

Hola Amigos,

Whoa!  It has been HOT here in Baja!  We are really appreciating our air conditioning, especially at night.  We had a hot wind from the southwest yesterday, so we closed the outside doors, turned on our bedroom AC unit, and set our big old fan in the bedroom door and blew cool air into the living room and family room.  It felt pretty good, especially for Dalia, who was cleaning our house at the time!  It's supposed to get a bit cooler (highs in the 80's, lows in the high 70's) for the next week, so we'll probably survive.  (We are wimps, I admit it!  Especially when you throw in some high humidity!)  

Why aren't you leaving, you may ask, and heading north?  The biggest reason is that our 30' Model A is still being working on in the body shop in La Paz.  It's got several more weeks work, probably.  Ben's latest plan is to do as much on it as he can here, but load it up and take it to Oregon to finish up.  We will not go to the National Model A meet in Reno 😕😞 but hope to enjoy it in Oregon, including taking Shirley for a ride.  She's the family friend who sold it to us.  

We did go for a couple rides in the '28 Woody lately.  We took it to La Paz for a parade and car show there, and got lots of exposure and admiration.  This is near the end of the parade route (lots of "normal" cars had got in from the traffic flow).  

 Oh, and the La Paz Calafia Queen got a bit of admiration, too!

Her outfit was embellished with beautiful shells and feathers, and then she was wearing 5" heels!!!  And she was gorgeous, to boot.  She also had a head dress, but I think it wasn't too comfortable so she didn't wear it much.

It was very warm in La Paz that weekend, so we stuck to the shade as much as we could.  The show was popular with the Sunday crowds, and Ben won a prize for oldest vehicle there.  

We stayed at a little hotel a few blocks away, Maria California.  Our room was the "economy" version ($40 per night), but we checked out their nice rooms across the street, and they have a great view and look very comfy, too, for $80 per night.  We just might stay there the next time!  

One of the "nice" rooms.  

And the view....

Ryan and Charlotte are getting acclimated and met with their obstetrician on last Monday.  They also had an ultrasound and found out that they are having a girl!  The baby seems to be very healthy, and is also bigger than expected, so the due date has been moved up to the end of July.  I will be coming back to help them out after the baby is born, so I guess I will be getting acclimated to Baja summer weather, too!  She is also appreciating the delicious food here; we eat at La Playa regularly, for breakfast especially.  This photo happened to be when we were there for dinner.  We hope they continue to stay open as long as we're here!

Ben & Ryan have been working on a bookcase project...our old one we've had since Salem became termite riddled, so Ben happened to have some nice oak plywood with which to make a new one.  It's a bit taller than the old one, and Ryan has been helping out with the finish.  We put the old one out by the driveway the other day, and it disappeared quickly!  (We figured it would).  It didn't have any shelving other than some cross members, but I'm sure they'll figure out something for it!  Hope they like termites!  😏

It is still cool enough in the mornings for my walks with Zoey.  Sam still refuses to go... he stays home and protects the house!  I was looking at some of the drone pictures our friend George took last year, and noticed that one had my walking route on it!  Our pinkish casa is right about in the middle of this photo, and I walk out the driveway to the left, then wander around in the loop to the left of the picture.  Sometimes I do the loop, then go down to the beach.  Sometimes I walk up almost to Highway 1, then down into the arroyo on the left, and on down to the beach.  This was taken in May 2017, so it is dry looking now, too.  But the cactus are blooming, and the trees and shrubs are just waiting for the summer rains.  I've seen several fox, and this is where the burros hang out during the night, and there are often cattle wandering around in there, too.  The other morning it was a great BIG black bull!  He went his way, and we went ours!  Zoey is pretty good about not bothering other animals, especially ones bigger than she is!  

Here's the bull!  

Our Jeep is still sitting around unfinished, BUT we did finally get the new fiberglass gas tank from a Mexican fellow who works in the Palmas boatyard.  It has taken FOREVER, and we heard more stories from him about when we'd get it and where it was ... we could have written a book!  It is here now, and looks like it will work nicely.  This is a project for next season.  Our friends Debi and Sandy took pity on us, and let us ride with them (on ATV's and in their Toyota) up to a little falls and pond on the Buenas Aires Arroyo.  It's a pretty little spot, and of course, Ryan had to climb to the top of the falls to see what was on the other side of the mountain!

Here he is starting out...

And there he is at the top.  Nothing too exciting over there...just more palm trees and water.  Oh well...at least he made it down safely.  

I'll be adding photos to the 2018 June album for your enjoyment.  

You might expect one edition from me before summer starts and Ben takes over.  We hope to see many of you this summer when we get to Oregon....whenever that is!  Keep in touch!

Hasta la proxima vez,
Tus amigos en Baja,
Harriet, Ben, Ryan, Charlotte (& baby), Sam & Zoey

1 comment:

  1. Your North Bend bookshelf project seems to have fared better than the one in Baja. Ten feet wide and a bit over 6 feet high, still in fine shape and a nice reminder to let you know it is appreciate.
