Friday, May 31, 2019

Pic-of-the-Month for May 2019 - part 2

Hola Amigos,

I told you I might write 2 this month, and I have time this afternoon, so thought I'd catch you up on our activities for May.

This photo is from my morning walk today.  Zoey and I are still walking 6 days a week, but as it gets warmer (and more chance for snakes) we aren't always going the 3+ miles.  We did get Ben's brother John to go with us while he was here on vacation most days, and I took him to the Flag Monument and a few of the bike trails, too.  The other day, we discovered this new fence and sign across one trail that I hike regularly.  Hmmmmm...  This could be a problem for a biker coming down the hill!!  We'll see what happens next fall when the bikers are back!  I have a feeling there may be more barbed wire fences coming soon! 

In the meantime, I enjoy checking out the scenery and the plants.  The Pitahaya cactus are blooming now, and they are so pretty!  

Of course, while I was looking for these, I completely missed the Night-Blooming cactus in my own garden (walked right by it!)  By the time I got home that day, it was just closing up.  I took a picture of it anyhow!  I haven't figured out if it blooms more than one night or not... Another bud is forming on this cactus, so I'll try to watch it more carefully!  

It is getting quiet here in the neighborhood.  Many people have migrated north already, and traffic around town is much more reasonable and easier to navigate.   My piano student decided to quit a bit early this year since she's so busy with other school things, and Ben has "finished" working on cars 24 x 7!  There are still things to do on them, but they can wait! 

We took the Jeep on a long anticipated ride to Muertes Bay....except we didn't get there!  The Jeep refused to run decent on steep, rocky roads, so after getting 2/3 of the way there, we turned around and had lunch in the little town of El Cardonal.  According to the local mechanic, it needs an "off-road" carburetor, and we haven't been able to find one....yet.  Or Fuel Injection...  (Next year!)  In the mean time, we enjoy taking it around places here, including down the beach to Rancho Buena Vista for a cool drink and/or a dip in the pool.  Here's a couple pictures from our aborted trip to Muertes Bay (which you can see in the distance to the right of the top picture!)  

 Here's a nice, mostly deserted beach.

I finished up my latest little quilt and sent it off with brother John to be mailed to my quilters in Oregon.  It turned out pretty nice, and I'm anxious to see how the flannel backing that I sent will work.  It's the first one I've done that doesn't have borders, too, so binding it will be interesting!  

Ben's brother John had a great time while here, and left for Oregon yesterday.  We even stopped in Miraflores at the Leather shop to get him a belt the day he flew in.  His waist is so small he has trouble finding ones that fit (really!)  He found one he liked, and the leather guy shortened it while we waited a few minutes!  We took him on Jeep rides, and he finally got Ben to get the Model A out, and he was our first rumble seat rider!  (It was dusty, so needed to be washed before we could take it to town!!) 

After that ride, we put the new cover on it and will probably keep it under wraps until it's time to haul it to Oregon.  

Our daughter Rebecca's family is in the US, and they will be in Oregon in July and August while we're there.  We are looking forward to seeing them all again.  

Eleanor said the cow in this favorite restaurant near Chicago got smaller.... I'm thinking someone got bigger! 

Ryan and Charlotte's little girl Olivia is growing quickly.  She's 9 1/2 months old already!  Her hair doesn't look red in this photo, but it sure looks reddish in other photos!   He says she is a very happy girl.  

I will probably post one more of these before we leave Baja.  Currently, we're thinking of leaving here the last week on June, but if it starts getting hot, we might leave sooner.  

I have posted more photos in our May 2019 album.  Feel free to check them out.  The captions don't show when you do the slideshow, but if you click on a picture, it should open up with the caption to the right.  If not, click on the "i" in a circle (info) on the upper right of the screen.  

Hasta la proxima vez,
Tus amigos en Baja
Harriet, Ben, Sam & Zoey

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