Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Pic-of-the-Month for February 24, 2021

 Hola Amigos,

February has almost ended, so it's time to get a Pic-of-the-Month out for you.  

That's Ben and I out on the point, taking a selfie!  

Ben and I are fine, other than Ben had a cold that he generously passed along to me, and friends Mel and Katie while they were here.  Ben always gets over colds quickly.  The rest of us, not so fast!  I'm still coughing a bit, but finally feeling much better. Then, just when I was starting to feel better, we decided to hike up Flat Top Hill near Rancho Leonero.  We made it just fine, but on the way back down (near to top), I slipped and fell and landed on my face and scraped my lip, and twisted my ankle in the process.  Well dang!  We made it down ok, just a lot slower than normal.  Fortunately, our friend Maria found me a walking cane to use, which helped a lot.  As for Katie and Mel's recovery, Katie says they've slowed down their trip north quite a bit to recover, rest and enjoy some warmer weather before they get to the Rogue River for a month of Steelhead fishing in March.  Ben is feeling bad about passing his germs around.  

Our garden is still doing well and producing lots of veggies, although some of the squash bushes are looking pretty tired!  We finally figured out what was getting to our corn, and being very thorough about stripping the was the birds!  Every kind of bird; Orioles, Cardinals, Pyrrhuloxias, Cactus Wren!!!  Ben's solution was to use bird netting, and when the birds got in after his first attempt, he covered our entire garden area with bird netting.  He was fortunate to find what he wanted in La Paz, and was able to go back and get more when the first attempt didn't work.  It is now nice and tight.  (Lots and lots of zip ties were used in the construction of this beautiful structure!)    We just hope the bees can find their way in!!   Some corn in our second planting is just about ready.  

The Jeep.... oh yes, there's always something about the Jeep!  Ben has towed it to La Paz, and it is in Edgar Majalca's shop getting painted!!!  (He did the 1930 Model A Roadster for us).    AND... he ordered a nice big fan from the US and had it shipped down here.  A man in a shop next to Majalca's, who builds and repairs Baja Race cars, is making a cowl for the fan and installing it in the Jeep.  We HOPE that this is the solution to it overheating and stalling out when we're going slow on rough roads.  The new paint won't help much, but it will certainly look better!  Ben selected some colors that Edgar suggested, but you'll have to wait to see what it looks like after it's finished.  

We enjoyed our time with cousins Tom and Karan, even though it was short.  I do know they will be back one of these days...they are Baja lovers for sure.   Unfortunately, my friend Jill and Rudy have delayed yet again (her work now!)  Hopefully, they'll be able to get some time soon.  The airport here now has a COVID testing station set up.  You need to get a test before you fly out now, and they have it well set up.  Tom and Karan used it the first week it started, and were pleased with how easy it was.  

By the way, Covid vaccines are starting to become available here for those of us over 60.  I've tried to sign up, but haven't been successful on the computer app yet.  I guess I'll go into the clinic and ask for help!  (Can't believe I can't get a computer app to work!)  We'd probably feel better about traveling if we could get the vaccines before we head to Oregon this summer.  I have signed us up for Oregon, but Deschutes county is slow getting them.  We'll just have to wait and see what happens.  I think things are slowing down a bit here, but we do see several things closing down when employees get Covid.

Our friend Maria is still here, and will probably be here for a while yet.  She is a fantastic cook, and Ben and I have been enjoying her willingness to cook for us.  Ben is afraid I'm getting very spoiled...and I probably am.  It was really nice having her help when I was sick with the cold, and the sore ankle, too.  She's introduced us to a lot of her favorite Mexican foods, and she likes to fix an afternoon appetizer for us several times a week.  

I mean, really.... this is so much better for you than chips and salsa, right?  

Our orchids are starting to bloom again, and we have a lot of them sending out bud shoots.  Here's the first one to "re-bloom".

If you'd like to see more photos of our garden and activities in February, check out the February 2021 album.  And of course, a few pics of our cute grandkids! 😏

We hope that you are all staying healthy, getting your vaccines as they're available, and enjoying life as it's happening in 2021.  We're looking forward to a bit warmer weather in March, and maybe getting the Jeep back.  Thanks for being our friends, and keep in touch!  We'd love to hear from you, too!

Tus amigos de Baja,

Harriet, Ben, Sam & Zoey (and Maria!)

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