Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pic-of-the-Week for May 14, 2013

Hola Amigos,

Happy Birthday to my youngest sister, Shelley!  She is 50-something today, and is spending the summer in Oregon.  We hope to see her and her husband David this summer when we get there.  Here she is when we visited her at her home in Nevada last summer. 

It has been a pleasant week here.  I was invited to take a little trip to Santiago with our friends Pat and Patti to pre-pay our water bills at the head office located there, and then have lunch on the patio at one of our favorite little restaurants, Palomar.  We were surprised when we got there with a musician playing the piano and singing, and doing a very nice job of it.  He made his little Yamaha keyboard sing!  (I still haven't figured out how to do all the bells and whistles on mine that he did on his while he played.)  Anyhow, we had a delicious lunch while we were serenaded.  


The photo above is looking at our table, and back towards the restaurant and bar.  The musician was just up there on the left side of the terrace.  

Ryan had a birthday this week, and had several friends down to celebrate with him.  I imagine he'll be expecting a strawberry pie sometime in the near future, but he and his friends were doing the loop tour for his birthday weekend and not at home.  They did dinner and overnight in San Jose on Friday, a day at the beach at Pescadero (south of Todos Santos) on Saturday and part of Sunday, La Paz on Sunday night (which included a flat tire on Sunday night on the way to La Paz!)  His van is in the shop, so he borrowed our white pickup truck.  He was surprised at the airport when not just one, but 2 of his friends from LA showed up, and his friend Ken from Portland was already here!  It was just a bit tight for the four of them in our 3 passenger cab!!!  Good thing they're all young and skinny!  

I spent time Friday and Saturday helping my friend Janet in her new dress shop, SunDays, for her grand opening.  I couldn't believe how many people were still in town!  They really came out of the woodwork for this opening.  By the time I got there to help on Friday an hour after opening, there was a long line of people ready to pay for their purchases, and it went on like that most of the day!  Janet has some really nice clothing and shoes and hats and purses and scarfs and jewelry, and even a few men's shirts.  And sizes to fit everyone who walked in the door.  It's pretty amazing, considering the size of her shop is about a 12 x 12 room, with a changing room curtained off in the hallway.  It was a little calmer on Saturday, but not much!  Obviously, she found a wonderful niche that is needed for this community.  Janet, in the center and Sharon on the left are both wearing clothing from Janet's store.  Pretty, huh? 

People are leaving town for the summer, and it's hard to see our new and old friends leave!  There aren't very many Gringos who stay here year round, so the population is always shifting.  This is the time of year when you'll see more fishermen showing up, and the fishing is improving.  And yes, Ben's boat is just about ready to go in the water.  He has fixed all the pumps (yes, please, get those bilge pumps working!), it starts right up and runs well, and now we need to clean it.  The only problem now is when to put it in the water, because our friend with the Cessna is coming down in a little over a week, and Ben will probably go flying with him.  I hate to have the boat moored and just me to take care of it if something happens!  So sorry....no fish tales to tell yet!

Sad to say, my bean crop is finished for the season.  It has some serious bug infestation, so Ben suggested I just get rid of the rest of it for this year.  The corn is coming along nicely, though!  We should have some in a couple weeks.

 Yeah, I know....it's a little bitty crop, but there will be plenty for us to eat for a while!  

Flowers in the garden are doing well right now.  We have lots of Adenium (Desert Rose) blooming and my big old Nopal cactus is putting out gorgeous yellow blooms, AND we have another banana blooming.  I don't know if any of the developing bananas will be ripe before we leave, but maybe some will be ready when we return in the fall.  It's always fun to watch them develop!  That big reddish pod just keeps peeling back leaves, and new little bananas are underneath.  It's like magic!  We do need to get out there and put some supports on these guys.  The banana bunches get so heavy, the trees just fall over! 
 I'm looking forward to this summer when I get to play with these two "future Ducks".  

More photos are in our May Picasa Album.

Hasta la proxima semana,
Tus amigos de Baja,
Harriet, Ben, Sam & Zoey


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