Saturday, November 27, 2021

Pic-of-the-Month for November 2021

 Hola Amigos,

Here it is, the end of another month coming up.  I guess, since it's a nice rainy day here in Baja, instead of going for a walk, I'll sit at my computer and write you a letter!  

But first, this lovely sunrise at Frailes Bay....

We hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving celebration with family and friends this year.  We are all struggling with the "new normal" and hugs and having big groups getting together, but we pray that your times with family and friends were happy and healthy occasions!  We had 8 of us here at our casa for Thanksgiving, including my niece Angie and nephew-in-law Mark whom we haven't seen in years.  We also invited our NEW neighbors, Brian and Hope, who are supposed to be moving into their new container home today (on a rainy day, of course!)  

We have accomplished quite a few things this month.  Ben, of course, tops this list of things done!  He changed the transmission in the 1930 Roadster.  He and I got it out, and thankfully, he hired our friend Chuyito to help him get the "new" one back in.  It now shifts perfectly, and maybe someday, I'll even drive it!  

We had two new gates installed to make our courtyard more secure.  Also, they'll be nice for keeping dogs in or out!  We chose a Quail pattern that is really whimsical.  Always know that you are welcome when you come to visit us (no locks on the gates...yet!!)  We are just going to let the finish rust, and eventually paint it with a wood stain.  

The garden continues to grow, some areas with fits and starts....and stops.  Ben tested some of our soil and decided it needed a certain chemical (phosporus?  phosphate??) and added it at what he thought was the correct strength.  Oops.  He killed everything he put it on...lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers.  So, we are on the second (and in some cases third) replanting.  Good thing we have lots of seeds.  The corn is almost waist high, and he's talking about putting the bird netting over the garden soon.  He is also ready to plant his second crop of corn.  We have some nice squash plants, too.  I'm seeing some buds forming on a few.  In the photo below, you can see the corn and two rows of beets.  

We had a new gate put in to more easily access the new west side lot.  We didn't do it, but hired a Mexican fellow who did a really nice job on it.  We even used it when we got back from our camping trip and it made maneuvering around with the camp trailer much easier.  Our existing cattle guard it to the left.  Old opening was to the right by the concrete pole.  New opening is angled across the corner and gives a much better way into the lot.  

 Ben built a beautiful cutting board for our new little trailer since it has NO counter space (Well...maybe 4 inches between the stove top and sink!)  It fits nicely over either of the sinks.  He is also in the process of building some swing up wooden counters on both ends.  He can't finish it until our friend Ruby comes with the piano hinges next week!  

We took the trailer out for a "test" run to spend a few days with our friends Mel and Katie at Los Frailes.  The trailer did very well, and the propane function of the fridge even started working!  Woohoo!  It was quite comfortable, although we have developed quite a list of things to do to improve it.  Poco a poco!  With this trip, we also realized there were a few things we forgot to pack, so we are rectifying those faults, too!  (Fly swatter, spices, serving bowls!)  

Ben and Mel went fishing two days, and came back with quite a haul the first day, and a nice dorado the next day.  Yes, we ate well, and the weather was just about perfect.

Just about to the day that we had been back for a month, I finally got the gumption to hike up to the Flag Monument.  For some reason, it's not as easy as it used to be!!  (Not that I'm getting older or anything... and doesn't it look far away in that pic to the right?)  Anyhow, I made it that day, and haven't made it back since!  Some other day(s), I will!  Zoey is nowhere near able to do that hike anymore.  I have trouble getting her around a .6 mile loop near our house, but she's still always anxious to go.  She just goes slower, and slower, and slower, and has to sniff every little thing!  Oh least she's still moving.  


 Our night blooming cactus decided to bless us with about 8 blooms.  Of course, to enjoy them, you have to get up in the middle of the night, or very early in the morning to see them in full bloom.  by 6am, they are starting to close up again.  I got a fairly good shot when I let Zoey out one morning at about 5am.  

I guess that shot was worth getting up early!  

I have created a November 2021 album with a bunch more pictures if you'd like to check them out.  As usual, if there are captions, you'll see them if you click on the "i" .  

Hasta la proxima vez,

Tus amigos en Baja,

Harriet, Ben and Zoey  

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