Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pic-of-the-Week for November 12, 2013

Hola Amigos,

Happy Veteran's Day to all you Veterans out there! (A day late!)

It is another beautiful sunny day here in Baja California Sur (BCS) and the morning temp is a comfortable 68.2F.  The low this morning was 61.5, so we're probably going to have to get out another blanket one of these days, or turn off the fan over the bed!  So far it is still real comfortable to just have a sheet over us at night.  We have had some windy days, but it should be calming down by the end of the week.  We're already seeing kite boarders whenever there is wind.  They are back early!  The water is still nice and warm for swimming or wading, though.  

Last Wednesday I was out for several hours in the morning, and when I got back home, Ben said he had something to show me.  He took me around the house, and there was our Neem tree, cut down.  What he wanted to show me is how well he calculated the cut... the falling tree just missed our loaded Papaya tree and the Bananas trees!  I was impressed! Oh, and he also missed our neighbor Peter's palapa roof!  That would have been nasty to poke a branch through there!!  We had talked about taking that tree out...it made nice shade, but the seeds were dropping everywhere and it was starting to block the upstairs view!   Those branches are now all in the pickup, waiting to be hauled away. (He took the previous load last Tuesday, so there was space again!)  He did this all with a nice sharp hand saw and clippers.

One thing we discovered when we got home this fall is that our new palapa in the courtyard has Powder Post Beetle.  Phooey!  Fair amounts of sawdust were on the counter and some of the posts.  We managed to find a spray guy, and he did the job last week.  He guarantees his work, so we're hoping for the best.  Here's a shot through our kitchen window of one of the fellows spraying the Boric acid.  

Next week is the November 20 parade here in Los Barriles.  The street crews are getting the parade route cleaned up....the street sweepers were out!  If you give enough guys brooms and shovels, the job gets done!  The rains wash dirt and sand into the streets, and water flows downhill, so there were big piles at the bottom!  They sweep the dirt into piles, and shovel it by hand into a dump truck.  Mexicans are hard workers! 

This next weekend, Ben will be taking one of his Model A's to the Autumn car show in La Paz.  I'll probably stay home because I have a piano to play on Sunday morning at church!  Since most of the choir members just arrived in town, I should probably be there for them!  It has been fun seeing the photos that our friend Hector Manuel Amarillas has been posting on Facebook.  Here's one he posted from the a parade we were in a few years ago, maybe the first time we took the '28 Martin Parry / Ford Model A.  There is Ben driving, Harriet in the front seat behind the sign, and Ryan waving.  I think we had two or three other passengers as well!  (Our car painter's wife and son, maybe?)

Then on Monday morning, after Ben loads the Model A on the trailer and hauls it back from La Paz, Rebecca and family are arriving in San Jose in the early afternoon!  It will be a busy day!  

I don't think we've told most of you that we are going to be blessed with another grandchild next January!  A girl this time, so those two boys will have a little sister to spoil!  So, I started a new quilt project with "girl" in mind.  It will have lots of pinks and pretty bright colors.  This kind of pattern with curves is something I haven't tried before, so it may take me a while!!  Fortunately, I've had some good advice from a quilting friend on Facebook, so it may not be as difficult as it could be!  I haven't sewn a seam yet....but soon!!  I'm still cutting out all those flower petals or wheel spokes, or whatever they are.  I've found a pattern called Amish Wheel that I'm using to make this. 

Of course, the new arrival means that I'll be traveling again to help Rebecca and Tim.  I probably won't be there for the birth in late January, since Tim's parents live nearby to help with the boys then. However, Rebecca has a torn meniscus in one knee, and will have that surgery in February, so I'll be there to help during that time.  Hmmmmm.... Chicago in February... I don't have a wardrobe for that climate, so I guess I'll be visiting the thrift stores when I get there!  

Looking forward to a couple busy weeks with busy boys... POTW may be late next week!  A few more photos are posted in our November 2013 Picasa album.

Until the next time,
Tus amigos de BCS,
Ben, Harriet, Ryan, Sam & Zoey

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