Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Pic-of-the-Week for April 15, 2014

Hola Amigos,

Tuesday keeps rolling around, so you get another peek and taste of life in Baja yet again!  

It has been a more quiet week since we had no guests, and things got done around the house and yard.  Ben "attacked" our Mesquite tree out front, since it has grown enough to block some of our upstairs view.  We just hope that it isn't in shock from the severe pruning!  The birds may be missing their favorite branches, but the ones that are left are easier to get to!

This is the view from upstairs now... no bushy branches impeding the view!

We've been watching the progress of construction on the house in Vista del Mar, and they did a roof pour on Saturday.  They had about 30 workers, two concrete mixers, lots of buckets and wheelbarrows, sand, gravel, cement and water.  Everyone had a position to work, and they got it done.  

Here's a link to a video I took that shows the process, and the owners watching from the neighbor's house.  Roof Pour in Baja  It was a hot day, and these guys were all out there until the job was done!  They are hard workers.  Walls are going up quickly this week. 

A couple weeks ago I told you about the Pyrrhuloxia ... the Cardinal looking bird.  I had one visiting the feeder a few days ago while I had my camera close by, so I got several good shots of this guy.  His top knot is sparse, but fun!  In contrast, here's the Cardinal sitting in the neighbor's tree. His hairdo looks like he uses butch wax!!  Neat and tidy and up there!  

Last night we enjoyed dinner on the veranda with friends who have a condo at Mar y Sol.  We enjoyed the view, the meal, the moonrise and visiting with friends.  They, like many other friends here, only come on vacation, but are thinking seriously about retirement and more time here.  They do have a lovely spot! This is the view from their balcony towards our casa.

Then the full moon rose (and I didn't have my "good" camera").  Just gorgeous!  And no, I didn't get up later that night (or early this morning) to get pictures of the Blood Moon eclipse.  Slept right through! 

We did enjoy our fresh Baja fish dinner al fresco with friends in candlelight and moonlight!  

More photos are in our April 2014 Picasa album.   If any of you are having trouble getting to our "real" album, just add this to the end of the URL address, and it should go to the correct album instead of the Google Plus album. 

Easter is next Sunday, and we're preparing for another sunrise service on the beach.  Just in case you can make it, it starts at 6:15AM this year.  Sunrise is at about 7AM!   

Hasta la proxima semana,
Tus amigos en Baja,
Harriet, Ben, Sam & Zoey

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