Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pic-of-the-Week for March 31, 2015

Hola Amigos!

Happy last day of March.  Where did that month go so fast?  Are you enjoying spring days wherever you are located?  We certainly are.  Nice and warm here, and each of us are sporting some pink skin, thanks to several outdoor activities.

 And you know it's spring here when Ben gets out the Woody for a drive!  He got it all cleaned up, checked the air in the tires, added gas, checked the oil, and we headed out to the north side of Los Barriles where our friends live.  We picked up them and their guests, and headed back through town for Rancho Buena Vista, (the resort closest to our house) and had a little picnic by the pool and the ocean.  

Ben always appreciates taking lovely ladies for rides!  And the picture opportunities are boundless!  It was a little tougher keeping the 2-year old boy out of it after we got there and parked.  We kept hearing the horn tooting, and when Mark, one of the owners of the resort came to tell us about the little guy, we decided he'd had enough "fun".  His Daddy was there watching him, but the little boy sure didn't want to get out when I told him to.  Typical 2-year old tantrum at that point!  

Ryan walked down the beach with Sam and Zoey and joined us (it took some convincing and carrying to get them all that way on a hot day).  They were very happy for a nice drink of water when they got there, and were very happy to see us, too!  (They did get to ride home in the woody, and were very happy about that, too.  First time for them to get a ride in there!)  

It has been an activity filled week.  We went to see the community's annual Shakespeare play...this one not written by Shakespeare, but in Shakespeare fashion.  Shoot, old Will was even in the play, with notebook and quill in hand! On of the people who did write it is Igor there on the left (Larry Epstein).  He and his lovely jailer friend, Insana were a hit in the show as they tortured their prisoners in the dungeons!  The co-writer was Jill Broussard. 

 On Saturday, our community choir, the OK Chorale, performed at the local Saturday Market.  I play keyboard for the group, so it was fun to do about an hour's worth of music we've been working on all year.  We've got quite a repertoire now.  If we can only remember it until next fall, when we'd like to do an indoor concert.  

On Saturday night, we went to a local restaurant and heard the Lack Family perform a couple songs, then Scott Lack joined a local rock group, Flat Dog, for the rest of the night.  They had lots of folks dancing!  (Couldn't get Ben up, but everyone else was!)

On Sunday after church, we celebrated with friends Jerry and Jean Justus, who had decided to retire from Baja after spending 20 winters here.  This is a picture of many in our church family, but not Jean and Jerry!  It was our gift to them, whether they wanted it or not!!  They will be missed by many.  Even in their 70's Jerry was still kite boarding and motor cycle riding in the wilderness of Baja, taking long multi-day treks on the "back-back" trails here in Baja.  Jean is an avid hiker and spent many days leading hikes in the area.  

Yes, we did spend time at home this week.  Ben chopped more out of our Mesquite tree, and also took on the big Cholla cactus in our yard.  That took about 4 large leaf bags worth of pruning, just for the cholla!  He is not quite done yet with the Mesquite, but one day soon he will be.  He's about 2/3 done.  I've been canning beans, so the cupboards are getting full of nice jars of beans for next winter.  I'm hoping for a few more canners full, and some fresh ones to eat as well.  I see lots of blooms, so am waiting in anticipation!  The corn is coming along nicely, too.  

The most exciting thing in our garden is that our Bombax Ellipticum is blooming again, and better than ever.  I can't even count the buds and blooms there are so many.  Take a picture quick, though, because each bloom only lasts one day.
Here's a day shot, and a night shot. We're proud parents because we started this tree from seed!!!  (And it took about 8 or 10 years before we got a single bloom).  Each flower is about hand size, fingers all extended!  

More photos are posted in our 2015 March Picasa album. 

Hasta la proxima mes!  
Tus amigos en Baja,
Harriet, Ben, Ryan, Sam & Zoey

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